Friday, March 20, 2009

So like I posted before, I went to the MJSA Show in New York. It was amazing! I definitely want to go back again next year. There were so many different booths that made me want to expand my business even further. New York itself was fun too :)

This past Thursday I did a little local show. I was hoping that more people would show, but I was happy with what happened. I am definitely going to keep up the promoting of my work.
When I come up with some new designs I will post them :)

Thanks :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Off to the MJSA show!

So this may be a little early, but I am just so excited. On Sunday I will be going to the MJSA Show in New York. I am very excited to get to go. It is a great show from what I have heard, including all of the new and innovative tools and materials in the jewelry world.

Here is the website for the show:

I will update everyone on how it was when I come back on Monday night. Hopefully I wont spend too much money, but I am not making any promises. ;)