Monday, August 10, 2009


My intro to metalsmithing class starts today (Monday August 10th). I cannot wait to learn officially how to saw, solder, rivet...etc! It is going to be great having this foundation, I will be able to create so many different pieces of jewelry after it. I want to be able to have a whole line of jewelry just of metals-things that are uniquely mine own design, and not like everything else out there.
I wonder how many more tools I will want after the class is over....which may not be good because I need to save my money for school.
My bags are packed for the class, and boy are they heavy. That's the price I pay for bringing everything that I could possibly need to the class-minus a couple of really heavy tools. For example my torch and my dapping block set.
I wont be able to post until after the class on Thursday, unless there is a really really important thing I must share. Until then- keep creating and inspiring others!!


Monday, August 3, 2009


Here are some nature pictures that I have taken this summer. The flowers looked so great in the light, I love all of the colors.
At the beach there were tons, and I mean tons of starfish. They looked so cool under the water, even when the waves rippled over them.

Enjoy :)

and don't forget to be creative!

More posts!

I keep wanting to post more-but I have to sleep!! I need to remember to post all of my new nature pictures here-they came out really cool.

It will just have to wait until tomorrow (well technically later on today...)

My first real show :)

I just realized I needed to say a little bit about my show that I had. It was at the Pinehills, and it ended up being a really nice day, weather wise too. My mom came to help me out for the day-she even modeled some of my jewelry! I had some very good sales, I was grateful for it because I know how difficult it is to be selling wares during this economy.
Here is a photo of my booth. It was under a large tent, and I had my own 10x10 space. I displayed lots of different kinds of jewelry-glass pendants, silver, beaded bracelets and necklaces, and my newest venture-copper. I love how copper can have so many looks, while being nice on my wallet.
I cannot wait until next year-hopefully I won't forget a mirror this time.. (smart me--selling jewelry and I forgot to bring a mirror--yupp, oh well I learned.)
I cannot believe that it was May the last time I have posted a blog. Oops! Well now that I have some more time on my hands I will try and blog a little more ;)
I just finished a very long necklace, its all different teals, pearls, and silver beads-with chain. My family has loved it so far. I just need to find the time to take some pictures of it so I can share it.
I really love the layered look of necklaces so I have been busy trying to come up with my own unique spin on them. I will definitely share as soon as I make something completely. I think August is going to be a good month for me. I have a metalsmithing class next week at the Bead House in Bristol RI (I highly recommend I have been looking forward to this class for a long time. Now that I think about it, I may have mentioned the Bead House before, for a class that I needed to post some pictures of...I really need to take some pictures. I guess I will just add it to my never ending to-do list.

What's on your to-do list??

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams

I just found that quote and I already love it!!