Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Designs

As 2009 comes to a close tonight, I am looking forward to more time to make new jewelry. I am going to try and keep updating on here, as well as facebook, with new designs and updates on what I am doing.
I was very fortunate to get some new tools for Christmas, I got an anvil, forging hammer,disc cutter, and I finally got a B&S gauge. They will definitely come in handy when I am busy working on new designs!

I hope everyone has a great New Year! :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Become a fan!

I don't think that I ever told you, but KMS Jewels and Designs is on Facebook!

New designs are in mind, and I will try and keep everyone updated whether it be on here, or on Facebook.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Time!

As the semester is coming to a close, I can now focus on the Christmas presents I have to make. I have some stuff already made for my friends, but I really need to get to work on my family's presents.
While finishing up with school, and doing Christmas presents, I am also working on some new stuff to put into a store. I am trying to make as many new pieces as possible. I cannot wait to be able to say that I have pieces in a store! :)

I am off to make some more designs :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Back in the Studio

It was so nice to be able to work in my studio over Thanksgiving break. I was able to make a lot of components that I could use when I am at school away from my torch and most of my beads. I wish I could have taken pictures of what I have done lately, but unfortunately my camera is broken :( I am hoping that my brother can fix it for me.

I am beginning to plan for my show in the summer, early I know. But if I start planning now, I will know what I have to do when I get home for winter break, which thankfully is a month long!! I am hoping to have a lot more designs for the show, to show how much I have improved in metals. I will keep you updated if I make something that is new! I also want to design a new business cards, and displays for my jewelry, especially my earrings.

I cannot wait for my class on Saturday. I am taking a tube riveting pendant class at the Bead House. I will definitely either post a link to a picture, or try and borrow someone else's camera to take a picture!
