Friday, December 31, 2010

A BIG update is in order

However, I still need to upload pictures on my computer....
The update will consist of:
My mom's show
My show
random fun things that I feel like mentioning
and lots of pictures!

So the update will be next year (aka tomorrow), it will be worth the wait :)

I also will be showing the awesome present I got for Christmas! :)

Hope everyone had a great holiday! :)

Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Less than 2 days!

My show is in less than 2 days, I can't believe that it is so soon! I have been trying to make as much as I can, but unfortunately I haven't been able to make as much as I would have liked. School is coming to a close for the semester, so there is a lot of work that I have to get done within the next couple of weeks.
Come check out what I do have done at the show, this Saturday December 4th, at the Henry T. Wing School in Sandwich MA. The show is from 10-3 :) I am in the Multi-Purpose room, booth #12!

Hope to see you there!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Shows and updates!

On Friday November 26th (today!) and Saturday November 27th, my mom (Treasures & Trinkets) will be participating in the Artisans' Guild of Cape Cod show in Orleans. I will be there both days to help her out :) She makes polymer clay jewelry, and I will post pictures of some of her stuff soon! I would definitely recommend coming to the show if you can, in addition to my mom there are some really talented artists participating in the show!

I am currently home on Thanksgiving break (yay!), so I have been working hard to make sure I have enough jewelry made for my show,the Last Best Craft Fair, which is December 4th at the Henry T Wing school. The show has creeped up a little bit on me, because of the fact that I have been in school and haven't been able to focus on jewelry as much as I would like to.

I will keep you updated with any more information/pictures! :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I am alive, I promise.

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I just have not had anything super interesting to share, and I also have been busy with school work. I have been making a lot of stuff lately, but it is not completely done yet, because it either needs ear wires, or a clasp. Both of which I do not have done yet. Luckily I am going home for Columbus Day weekend, so it will be a major metalsmithing weekend. I am so excited! I've missed being home. So when I finally have pictures I will post them.

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Price Jump!

Wow, I haven't been watching the price of silver lately (my computer was broken), but now its at $20. What?! I thought it was bad when it was $17-$18. I mean it is only a couple of dollars, but when I am in college (or really anyone these days) a couple of dollars can determine how much I can really get. Silver please go down, I want to do a metal order!!!

I started my sophomore year of college today, and so far so good. This year is going to be great. I want to be able to do well in school, while balancing everything else, work, friends, and of course jewelry. I am still looking into opening an etsy shop. I just need to get a little more settled into school to really start. That way it gives me time to get some inventory finished, and to have pictures taken. As soon as I open up a shop, I will definitely announce it here.
I had some free time the other day, and I went and took some cool pictures of the roses around campus. I have to pick some favorites, and I will share them in a later post.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last Best Craft Fair :)

I got accepted to be in the 16th annual Last Best Craft Fair for the first time, and I am very excited!! It is December 4th from 10-3 at the Wing School in Sandwich MA. I have a lot of work to do before then, and of course I will be updating as I can on here :)
It's a good I have lots of time to build up more stock, even if I am away from my torch at home...

Updates will be coming shortly (I hope!)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pearls, Pearls and More Pearls

Today I went to the Cape Cod Bead Show with my mom. We have been going to the show for awhile now (it was my first bead show ever). Talisman Associates was there (they are awesome). I went to them first because I knew I wanted to stock up on pearls because I like to buy them in person. They have the best selection and price points. Leslie, the rep for the area, is awesome. She had saved some pearls for me, because she really wanted me to see them (so nice of her!!) The petal pearls were stunning, I had to get some. I bought from them 3 total times, because I kept finding more beads that I wanted. I have a large stash of pearls, so I will be doing lots of wire wrapping and knotting.
Then after we were done at the show, my mom and I got lunch at the Tea Room. Nothing beats some tea after bead shopping.

I have some new stuff to show, but no pictures yet..I have a lot to do before I go back to school on the 31st. (so soon!!)

I am off to make some jewelry :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010



Ok, so I am trying to apply for more shows to get my jewelry out there more, one: so people can enjoy it and two: because it is kind of useless if its just hanging out in my studio. Yes, I do have it in a store, which is awesome, but I want to expand more and I can't expand if I am stuck in all of the same thing.
I go to apply for a show, fill out all of the information they requested online, and I am ready to login so that I can submit pictures, and it does not let me log in. I mean come on! So I email the organization to see maybe it just takes a little while for the information to be put in the database. I got an email back tonight that said (nicely, I am in no way insulting them, just needed to tell someone about it) is that they are no longer accepting any beaded or sea glass jewelry. I understand that the jewelry market is becoming very saturated, but how are upcoming jewelry artists going to get noticed if people instantly think that they do beaded stuff. Yes, I did start off with that (who doesn't?) but now I am incorporating more silver and metalwork into my pieces, but I still use beads, but they are usually nice pearls and crystals or semi precious stones. Not anything junky. And the must frustrating part of it is that they had not even seen any pictures of my work, and they instantly judged me! So, I emailed the organization back and described my work, so hopefully I will hear back soon.
Ok, my rant is over. Now on the the good stuff :)

New jewelry!
I think I mentioned how I was starting new lines of jewelry, and I have made some progress. I made two silver poppies (I did a bunch of samples in copper first to experiment), and they will probably be earrings, and then I will make another one into a pendant, and hopefully I will make a ring soon too.
The bezels are done, they are being tumbled so that they are nice and shiny, and then I will put the stones in (so I should have pictures soon...I know I promised awhile ago..I got distracted..woops)

Other than that I have been making cha cha earrings, which for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, they are individually wire wrapped pearls on sterling silver chain, and they are in clusters. Super fun, because I can make them in any color, or in any amount of pearls. I make each of the headpins myself, as well as the ear wires, and eventually I will be making all of the chain too. (but thats another project to do). I made about 7 pairs of them last night and today.

So because I typed up soo much in this post, here are some pretty flowers to make it better.

Enjoy :)

Until next time :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creating Lines of Jewelry

I love making jewelry in sets, whether people want the whole set or not. So now building on that I am in the process of creating lines of jewelry, which will hopefully be more marketable to stores. I am very fortunate to have my jewelry in the Jewel Box of Cape Cod, but I would love to get it into more stores. I have general ideas for names, I don't know if I want to be super fancy with them or not, but the names will develop themselves as soon as the lines are completed.
The list as of right now is:
-ocean (I know, super broad right? But I am starting to make lots of more shell and ocean inspired jewelry. And why not, I am surrounded by the ocean.)
-circle (I have a lot of different circle ideas right now that I have done, I just need to think of a cooler name.)

The last three I haven't created many pieces yet, but I am in the process of making many more, as my supplies allow. I am trying not to order so much silver, as much as I would like to because I really need to save my money for books and expenses at school. (It's crazy what they charge for textbooks!!)
Once I have some definitive pieces done, I will definitely share them. I know I said it would be a week until I would have the bezels done, but alas they are still sitting on my bench. (woops.)

Until next time :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I have been starting to make lots of bezels, because I have all of these cool cabochons that I've been collecting. They are still in the beginning phases, but I hope to have pictures within the next week. I have two pendants and one ring almost completely made, and a couple that are still in the beginning processes.
I really do like it, I think I found another technique to get addicted to.

I also will be taking a class (not in bezels, but that's okay), on the 18th at the Bead House. Stephanie Sersich will be back, and she is teaching her spiny knotted necklace. I have been dying to take this class ever since I took the spiny-knotted bracelet with her. She is such a great teacher! The necklace requires lots of beads, so its a good thing that I have a lot! ;)

Keep being creative!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Art on the Green 2010

My second time doing the Art of the Green show was amazing! My mom was a great helper, driving me and helping me set up all of the jewelry that I had. I had so much, and I was worried about not having enough! There was only one problem of the day, and that was wind. The wind decided to knock over the flowers I had, thus spilling water on my displays. I was freaking out because my mom went to go browse around the rest of the show, and I was trying to help customers and clean up with no paper towels. Thankfully I had brought a polishing cloth and a nice male customer helped me dry up everything the best it possibly could. It all ended up okay because I was able to double what I made last year, and I am very thankful for that. (So if anyone reading this came and supported me at the show, THANK YOU SO MUCH!)
I am looking forward to next year's show!

I also am considering opening up an etsy account, any advice???

Jewelry Pictures

I decided that I was going to do a little photoshoot of my jewelry, and these are some of my favorites. I am definitely going to try and take some more.

Off to write another blog post! I just have so much to share.

Pictures :)

So I finally was able to upload my pictures on my computer (yay!) Sorry that it has taken so long! These are pictures of the stones that I bought at the bead show, I am in love with them. I will do another post of new jewelry pictures. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quick Update

So I was finally able to take some pictures, but of course I cannot seem to find my camera cord. (figures right?) My studio is a disaster right now, from making new pieces for my show (on the 19th) and I still have unpacking from school to do. I might try to organize tomorrow, but who knows how far I will get.

Well I am off to try and get something done before I pass out.

Here are two quotes that I have fallen in love with:

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao-Tzu

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fun News!

I found out today that my necklace sold at the store that I also work at. I was so excited to find out that it sold because I did not think that it would. Now, that's not saying it wasn't a nice piece, it just was an expensive piece that the economy might not be able to handle.
I am very thankful for the sale, and for those of you who want to know what it was, it was a 55'' fine silver circle link necklace. Each of the links was sawed and fused, it can be very time consuming because the fine silver fuses quickly and if you heat it too long the link will not fuse together.

WOOHOO :) Let's hope my show in 2 1/2 weeks will go just as well.

xo Kate

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Less than one month!

I am in serious crunch time right now, because my show is in less than one month. I am trying to get as much done as possible before then, so I have lots to sell.

I should probably get back to work now, lots and lots to do!

Kate :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blog updates!

As you can probably tell, I made a few changes to the layout of the blog. I wanted a change, and I feel that the change really compliments my jewelry as well.

About the pictures that I wanted to upload, they will have to wait because my camera cord is packed away in my stuff from school. Hopefully I will be able to unpack it all soon, so that I can show off my goodies!

One thing that everyone should remember is this: do what you love, love what you do!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bead Show goodies

So before I talk about all of the great stuff I got today at the Innovative Beads Expo, I should update you all about my life. I got home yesterday, I am officially done with my freshman year of college. It went by really fast, but I am glad to be home and back in my studio.
Now onto the fun stuff, the bead show! I was excited for this one because I needed another show to restock so I can get some inventory going again. It was so cute when I got home I had a personalized postcard from one of the vendors who had missed me at a show last week, my mom had gone to the show without me. You guys should check them out, Talisman Associates. They have some really great pearls and stones!! Also at the show was a vendor with cabochons, something I was looking to get, because I would rather buy them in person so I can feel and see them. I will post pictures tomorrow, because I want to get back into the studio to work with all of them!!

I am so glad to be home, and I will definitely try to blog more and show off some pictures.

Until then!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I've been a bad jeweler/blogger

These past couple of weeks have been crazy, and unfortunately not crazy with jewelry. School and work has controlled my life, and will continue to do so until May 6th. I will be done with my first year of college then (so weird/scary). I cannot believe that the year is almost over.
Today, however, I was able to get in some studio time with a friend of mine in Newport. It was nice to catch up with her and have some time with a torch. Boy did I miss it! I have many ideas that I want to accomplish, and trust me I want to show you, but alas I have no time/good area to get some pictures. I will probably have a big update post when I get home.

Until then, I hope everyone else has been creating lots!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nature Pictures

All of the pictures are ones that I have taken, and done some editing on my computer.

Enjoy :)

Updates :)

Ok, so I have a few updates for everyone.
-I was finally able to get home and into my metals studio. (yay!) I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but I was able to make lots of headpins and circles, for earrings and bracelets.
-I have been designing more pieces that I want to make. I want to try and make a funky ring soon. I will definitely keep you updated on that.
-I can't wait to be home for the summer, because I can finally work in my studio all of the time, and begin getting my display ready for my show.

I really hope that everyone has been enjoying the nice weather, hopefully it stays!!

Stay creative :)


Friday, March 19, 2010

I love nice weather!

I don't know about everyone else, but the weather in Newport has been amazing recently. No jacket required, and flip flops are possible. I really hope that it stays like this for the rest of the semester! So today in honor of the good weather, and that it was the weekend, I decided to walk the cliff walk to the beach. There were still so many great shells and seaglass since the last time I went, which was only last week. It is so relaxing to walk the beach, it must be why I love being by the ocean. There were so many "mermaid's purses" at the beach, it was ridiculous, too bad if I brought them back to my room, my room would smell, so on the beach they stayed. I did take some pictures of my adventure, so enjoy :)

Isn't the middle picture cool? I am definitely going to incorporate it into jewelry somehow.

Happy creating :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I got accepted into the Art on the Green at the Pinehills show again!! Needless to say I am very happy about this, and I look forward to doing the show again. In case you were wondering, the show is on June 19th! I have a lot of work to do!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring :)

Even though the weather does not seem to agree, I am in spring mode! My spring break started today (woohoo!) so I will be busy catching up/ getting ahead on work, and of course making jewelry! I am waiting anxiously to find out if I got into the Art on the Green show--I hear on Monday! (wish me luck!)
But besides all of that, I have been trying to come up with some new ideas with pearls and silver. Keep on the lookout, hopefully I will have some finished pieces and pictures soon!

Keep creating!


Oh ps. I just noticed that the link did not work in my last post. Let's try this again..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shipments and Project Runway

I really hope that my shipment from Fire Mountain Gems comes today, I really want to make some new pieces with the crystals!
So I have been reading the etsy metal blog for awhile, and I really love how they do the challenge of Project Runway, in relation to jewelry. I have been watching Project Runway a lot, because it does inspire me to work on new pieces, so this challenge will make it even better. My sketchbook will definitely be in use during the show.
(If you want to see the etsy metal blog, the link is here: )

Happy creating!

Kate <3

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dreaming of Spring and Summer

Even though winter is still amongst us, I cannot help to look forward to the spring and summer. I love the bright colors associated with summer, and the idea that I can go to the beach and not freeze!
I am still busy getting new designs ready for my show in June, and I am lucky enough to have a friend at school that is going to take some pictures of my jewelry. I am too going to try and do some too, time will tell.
Recently I have been doing a lot of pearl knotting and wire wrapping. Since I am at school and don't have easy access to a torch, I am somewhat limited to what I can do. Pearl knotting is so relaxing for me, and I recently got a lot of pearls at a bead show, so I have many sets that I can make.

Until next time :)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

I am very excited to announce that my jewelry is officially in a store!! I was able to bring in 12 pairs of earrings to sell, so hopefully they will. If you are ever in Sandwich MA, and have a chance to stop by the Jewel Box, check it out! :)

I am back to school on Monday, so I will not have access to my torch as much, but I am going to try and get as many components done while I am home, so I can construct while I am at school.

I should stop saying should, and just do! So that's what I am going to do!

Stay creative :)
