Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Less than one month!

I am in serious crunch time right now, because my show is in less than one month. I am trying to get as much done as possible before then, so I have lots to sell.

I should probably get back to work now, lots and lots to do!

Kate :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blog updates!

As you can probably tell, I made a few changes to the layout of the blog. I wanted a change, and I feel that the change really compliments my jewelry as well.

About the pictures that I wanted to upload, they will have to wait because my camera cord is packed away in my stuff from school. Hopefully I will be able to unpack it all soon, so that I can show off my goodies!

One thing that everyone should remember is this: do what you love, love what you do!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bead Show goodies

So before I talk about all of the great stuff I got today at the Innovative Beads Expo, I should update you all about my life. I got home yesterday, I am officially done with my freshman year of college. It went by really fast, but I am glad to be home and back in my studio.
Now onto the fun stuff, the bead show! I was excited for this one because I needed another show to restock so I can get some inventory going again. It was so cute when I got home I had a personalized postcard from one of the vendors who had missed me at a show last week, my mom had gone to the show without me. You guys should check them out, Talisman Associates. They have some really great pearls and stones!! Also at the show was a vendor with cabochons, something I was looking to get, because I would rather buy them in person so I can feel and see them. I will post pictures tomorrow, because I want to get back into the studio to work with all of them!!

I am so glad to be home, and I will definitely try to blog more and show off some pictures.

Until then!