Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Art on the Green 2010

My second time doing the Art of the Green show was amazing! My mom was a great helper, driving me and helping me set up all of the jewelry that I had. I had so much, and I was worried about not having enough! There was only one problem of the day, and that was wind. The wind decided to knock over the flowers I had, thus spilling water on my displays. I was freaking out because my mom went to go browse around the rest of the show, and I was trying to help customers and clean up with no paper towels. Thankfully I had brought a polishing cloth and a nice male customer helped me dry up everything the best it possibly could. It all ended up okay because I was able to double what I made last year, and I am very thankful for that. (So if anyone reading this came and supported me at the show, THANK YOU SO MUCH!)
I am looking forward to next year's show!

I also am considering opening up an etsy account, any advice???

Jewelry Pictures

I decided that I was going to do a little photoshoot of my jewelry, and these are some of my favorites. I am definitely going to try and take some more.

Off to write another blog post! I just have so much to share.

Pictures :)

So I finally was able to upload my pictures on my computer (yay!) Sorry that it has taken so long! These are pictures of the stones that I bought at the bead show, I am in love with them. I will do another post of new jewelry pictures. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quick Update

So I was finally able to take some pictures, but of course I cannot seem to find my camera cord. (figures right?) My studio is a disaster right now, from making new pieces for my show (on the 19th) and I still have unpacking from school to do. I might try to organize tomorrow, but who knows how far I will get.

Well I am off to try and get something done before I pass out.

Here are two quotes that I have fallen in love with:

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao-Tzu

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fun News!

I found out today that my necklace sold at the store that I also work at. I was so excited to find out that it sold because I did not think that it would. Now, that's not saying it wasn't a nice piece, it just was an expensive piece that the economy might not be able to handle.
I am very thankful for the sale, and for those of you who want to know what it was, it was a 55'' fine silver circle link necklace. Each of the links was sawed and fused, it can be very time consuming because the fine silver fuses quickly and if you heat it too long the link will not fuse together.

WOOHOO :) Let's hope my show in 2 1/2 weeks will go just as well.

xo Kate