Friday, December 31, 2010

A BIG update is in order

However, I still need to upload pictures on my computer....
The update will consist of:
My mom's show
My show
random fun things that I feel like mentioning
and lots of pictures!

So the update will be next year (aka tomorrow), it will be worth the wait :)

I also will be showing the awesome present I got for Christmas! :)

Hope everyone had a great holiday! :)

Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Less than 2 days!

My show is in less than 2 days, I can't believe that it is so soon! I have been trying to make as much as I can, but unfortunately I haven't been able to make as much as I would have liked. School is coming to a close for the semester, so there is a lot of work that I have to get done within the next couple of weeks.
Come check out what I do have done at the show, this Saturday December 4th, at the Henry T. Wing School in Sandwich MA. The show is from 10-3 :) I am in the Multi-Purpose room, booth #12!

Hope to see you there!