Monday, May 30, 2011

What a great end to Memorial Day

My brother was being nosy, and wanted to find some of my grandfathers paintings. He and my mom managed to find some. My mom, brother, and I each got some of them. Now you are probably wondering why this has anything to do with Memorial Day, my grandfather was a Sergeant in the Army. I never got the chance to meet him however, he died right before my brother was born. I hope that I am making him proud with my art (even though I cannot draw or paint like he could).

I would like to give my sincere thanks to everyone that has served in the military both past and present. Thank you for risking everything for our freedom!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I am addicted

I really am. I cannot stop buying beads (especially pearls). If you could see the amount I have, well depending on if you are addicted too or not, you would be shocked. Despite having so many beads, I bought more today. I bought some pearls, and some handmade glass beads. I have a couple of ideas planned for them, so you will just have to wait and see!

At least it's a fun addiction right?!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Show coming up!

Art on the Green at the Pinehills is in less than one month! I have been busy making lots of pieces for the show. I would love to show some pictures, but the weather has not really been cooperating for really good pictures. Hopefully it will change soon.

Stay tuned for more!