Sunday, October 9, 2011

Updates..yes I realize it has been awhile..

I realize that I have been severely neglecting my blog lately. I have been busy making jewelry, and also just life (school work etc) in general. Since the last time I posted I started my junior year of college, and turned 21. (finally!)

As far as anything jewelry goes. In August I set up a table (a very full one at that) at a golf tournament to benefit the scholarship fund in the honor of a family friend who passed away last November. It was great to be able to participate and contribute to the scholarship. My mom also had her jewelry for sale right next to me. We both did well considering we weren’t there to make money, but more so to support a really great family and cause.

In future news, I was accepted to the Last Best Craft Fair for the second time. The show is Saturday December 3rd. Specific details to follow in another blog post.
The next day, December 4th, my mom and I will both be showing our jewelry at our friends house (who also will be showing her jewelry). Again, more specifics will follow.

Needless to say that will be a very busy weekend for me, so I have been busy preparing for both. And thankfully silver went down, so I was able to buy more silver to make more pieces.

I am going to post pictures of some new pieces, but since I have not taken them yet, pictures of roses will have to do :)