Monday, November 26, 2012

Last Best Craft Fair THIS SATURDAY

As you can probably tell by the title, the Last Best Craft fair is this Saturday, December 1st. This will be my third year doing the show, and I am very excited for it. I have been working very hard to get ready for it, with lots of new inventory. I am going to try and get some pictures posted here and on my Facebook page, but I can't make any promises. If not, you can just come check it out in person :) 

Last Best Craft Fair
December 1st 2012
Henry T. Wing School, Sandwich MA

Directions: From Rt. 6, take Exit 2 (Rte.130N, Sandwich Village).  Take a left off the exit onto Rt. 130.  The school is about ½ mile down on the right.

Hope to see you there! 

Monday Quotes Week 34 & 35

Yes, I know I didn't post a Monday quote last week (sorry), so this week you will get two!

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
~Christian D. Larson

If you've got a little tiny dream, all you have to do is think about it, work on it every day, and you'll get it. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Treasures & Trinkets

TODAY 11/23/12 and TOMORROW 11/24/12 my mom will be having her jewelry show from 10-5 at the Hyannis Youth & Community Center - 141 Bassett Lane, Hyannis. 

She has prepared a lot for this show, and would really appreciate it if you came out and supported! 
I will be there helping out both days as her checkout girl. 

Buy handmade this holiday season! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bead Show goodies

About two weeks ago, I went to a bead show with my mom. It had been awhile since I had been able to go to this specific bead show, and I was really glad that I got to go this year. Its main focus is lampwork beads. My first time going to this show, I went with my mom and a neighbor of ours, and I thought where are all the Czech glass beads. I did not have the appreciation for handmade lampwork beads at that point, so I was not a fan of the show. Thankfully things have changed, and I love handmade lampwork beads.

Many of my favorite bead makers were there:
Stephanie Sersich 
Gail Crosman Moore 
Nancy Tobey
Beth Williams 
Carol Bugarin 

Fun little fact, many of these ladies have at least been to, if not stayed at my house before. There was an exhibit a couple years back at the Sandwich Glass Museum, so that’s why some stayed at my house. It is definitely nice to be able to call them my friends.
All of their work is fantastic, so I had to buy something from each of them, to add to the collections I already have.

Here is what I got:
All of the glass beads I got. 

Components from Gail Crosman Moore, these will be perfect for earrings. She also makes some great lampwork beads as well, that I have bought in the past.

I thought these flat lampwork beads would be really cool to use.

Beth Williams always does a great job with her beads. Loved these etched ones.

These will be added to my stash of Nancy Tobey beads. 

Loved the colors she had.

Loved these flowers from Stephanie Sersich, I see earrings in the making!

 I also got some cool ceramic beads from Keith O'Connor.
And some cool African beads
And then some fun glass and seaglass beads. 


Be on the lookout for some new pieces made from my goodies!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Quotes Week 32

Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact.