Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spring Semester Senior Year

Yes, you read that right, I am in the spring semester of my senior year in college. It does not seem possible that I am already at this point. I honestly didn't believe people when they said it goes by fast. The jewelry posts may be scarce, but I am going to try and update with info as much as I can.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Quotes Week 44

I'm stronger because I had to be. I'm smarter because of my mistakes. I'm happier because I have overcome the sadness I've known and I'm wiser because I have learned from my life. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Quotes Week 43

In honor of Martin Luther King Day:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. 
~Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Quotes Week 42

Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from. 
~Jodie Foster

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Quotes Week 41

Believe in yourself-
in the power you have
to control your own life, day by day, 
Believe in the strength 
that you have deep inside, 
and your faith will help
show you the way. 
Believe in tomorrow 
and what it will bring-
let a hopeful heart carry you through, 
For things will work out
if you trust and believe
there's no limit
to what you can do. 
~Emily Matthews 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New tools!

I was very lucky to get some jewelry tools for Christmas this year. I got three (!) Fretz hammers, three other texturing hammers, and some texturing plates to use in my rolling mill. Needless to say I am very excited to start using them in my work, and plan out new designs!

Sorry for the not so great pictures, but I think you get the idea. :)