Thursday, May 30, 2013

Miss RI

Now you may be thinking, Kate are you entering Miss RI? No I am not, but one of my best friends from college is. Jerrica is Miss Salve Regina University, and is competing against eight other ladies. I designed my first ad (yay for photoshop being on the computers in the library), that will be placed into the program of the Miss RI competition on June 1st.

Here is a picture of Jerrica (pictured the furthest to the right) wearing my jewelry :)

Pictured left to right: Miss Central RI, Miss Providence, Miss URI, and Miss Salve Regina University (Jerrica!) 

I unfortunately cannot go to the competition on Saturday, but I wish Jerrica the best of luck, as well as the other contestants competing to become Miss RI. She will be wearing my jewelry during the pageant so I am hoping that there will be some pictures that I can post here. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mom's reading this! A special Happy Mother's Day goes out to my Mom and my Nana Young, I can't wait to spend the day with you!

Also Happy Mother's Day to my other Nana, wishing her all the best with her upcoming surgery!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Beads are multiplying

When your favorite bead store closes you have to go and buy lots of beads right? Well if you are me then yes..multiple times.
The pictures here are what I have bought. I will probably go back one more time before they officially close. Can't wait to start designing when I am done with school!