Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Designs

As 2009 comes to a close tonight, I am looking forward to more time to make new jewelry. I am going to try and keep updating on here, as well as facebook, with new designs and updates on what I am doing.
I was very fortunate to get some new tools for Christmas, I got an anvil, forging hammer,disc cutter, and I finally got a B&S gauge. They will definitely come in handy when I am busy working on new designs!

I hope everyone has a great New Year! :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Become a fan!

I don't think that I ever told you, but KMS Jewels and Designs is on Facebook!

New designs are in mind, and I will try and keep everyone updated whether it be on here, or on Facebook.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Time!

As the semester is coming to a close, I can now focus on the Christmas presents I have to make. I have some stuff already made for my friends, but I really need to get to work on my family's presents.
While finishing up with school, and doing Christmas presents, I am also working on some new stuff to put into a store. I am trying to make as many new pieces as possible. I cannot wait to be able to say that I have pieces in a store! :)

I am off to make some more designs :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Back in the Studio

It was so nice to be able to work in my studio over Thanksgiving break. I was able to make a lot of components that I could use when I am at school away from my torch and most of my beads. I wish I could have taken pictures of what I have done lately, but unfortunately my camera is broken :( I am hoping that my brother can fix it for me.

I am beginning to plan for my show in the summer, early I know. But if I start planning now, I will know what I have to do when I get home for winter break, which thankfully is a month long!! I am hoping to have a lot more designs for the show, to show how much I have improved in metals. I will keep you updated if I make something that is new! I also want to design a new business cards, and displays for my jewelry, especially my earrings.

I cannot wait for my class on Saturday. I am taking a tube riveting pendant class at the Bead House. I will definitely either post a link to a picture, or try and borrow someone else's camera to take a picture!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Almost time for Thanksgiving break!

I am so thankful that it is almost Thanksgiving break. I cannot wait to be able to work in my studio and be able to work in metals. Also I cannot wait to be with all of my beads, I mean I have some here at school, but I want to have them all in one place. I have so many things to make, hopefully I can make them all in the time I have for break!
Here is my to-do list (and boy is it long!)
  • copper bangles
  • copper pendants (or components)
  • fine silver rings
  • fine silver head pins
  • copper head pins
  • post earrings (copper; copper, brass, silver; silver) then some with beads too
  • fused glass pendants
  • organize some beads to make beaded jewelry
  • if I have time, some pearl knotted necklaces
I was looking at Flickr the other day and found many pictures that I loved, here is one of my favorites. All credit for the picture goes to Michael G.O' it!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Designs!

I actually had time to make some jewelry this weekend. I made lots of earrings, because they were quick, and didn't use up all of the beads I brought with me to school. I was able to make up some simple pendants as well. I really do love the simplicity of them, but they are still able to make enough of an impact. I am definitely going to make more, and maybe I will start naming them. But then again I haven't decided if I want them all to be slightly different, that way they are more one of a kind.
I would post pictures of them, but my camera decided to break on me. :(
It was definitely great to be able to take the time out and relax, I definitely need to more often. I cannot wait until Friday because I am bringing some of my friends to my favorite bead store! I love that it is so close!!

Keep creating!!
xo Kate

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Recent Events

College has been such a whirlwind so far, I cannot believe how little time I have had to make jewelry. That will change soon, because I am greatly missing it. I have though been able to take lots of pictures, being in Newport there are many places to get some great shots.
Some of my favorites are pictured above.

I also have been trying to come up with designs to help aid orphans over in Kenya. I learned about how bad it is over there, and wanted to be able to use my abilities to help the less fortunate; so definitely be on the lookout for that. Any ideas-feel free to pass them on :)

My favorite quote:
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined.
-Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It is crazy to think that I have been in college for more than 2 weeks. It has just flown by! I haven't made anything big lately, earrings here and there, but I have done a lot of designing for future projects. I want to take a trip down to the local hardware store to look to see if they have any copper washers...I have so many ideas for them its crazy. Granted that I can't do them in my own studio, because all of my really fun tools are at home.
The architecture around school has been really inspiring, which was one of the aspects of the school that attracted me so much to it. I am definitely going to be taking lots of pictures soon! I will upload them if they come out nice!

I can't remember if I mentioned this before or not, but a good friend of mine took some amazing pictures of my jewelry at the beach. I cannot wait to take more, that's how much I love them.
Here are some of my favorites, I will probably post them on Flickr too, but I just have to find the time to do it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I meant to post earlier about my class that I told you all about in my last class, but I have been super busy getting ready for school. I had a friend of mine take some pictures of my jewelry, and I am waiting patiently for them to be ready. I will definitely share them when I get them!

I had to pick up all of my studio because like I said I am leaving for school-and boy was it depressing. I am bringing beads with me though, just no torch (fire hazard-like I would burn down the school I love, I haven't burnt down my house, but whatever I can come home and work on my torch if I want to.)

Keep creating!! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009


My intro to metalsmithing class starts today (Monday August 10th). I cannot wait to learn officially how to saw, solder, rivet...etc! It is going to be great having this foundation, I will be able to create so many different pieces of jewelry after it. I want to be able to have a whole line of jewelry just of metals-things that are uniquely mine own design, and not like everything else out there.
I wonder how many more tools I will want after the class is over....which may not be good because I need to save my money for school.
My bags are packed for the class, and boy are they heavy. That's the price I pay for bringing everything that I could possibly need to the class-minus a couple of really heavy tools. For example my torch and my dapping block set.
I wont be able to post until after the class on Thursday, unless there is a really really important thing I must share. Until then- keep creating and inspiring others!!


Monday, August 3, 2009


Here are some nature pictures that I have taken this summer. The flowers looked so great in the light, I love all of the colors.
At the beach there were tons, and I mean tons of starfish. They looked so cool under the water, even when the waves rippled over them.

Enjoy :)

and don't forget to be creative!

More posts!

I keep wanting to post more-but I have to sleep!! I need to remember to post all of my new nature pictures here-they came out really cool.

It will just have to wait until tomorrow (well technically later on today...)

My first real show :)

I just realized I needed to say a little bit about my show that I had. It was at the Pinehills, and it ended up being a really nice day, weather wise too. My mom came to help me out for the day-she even modeled some of my jewelry! I had some very good sales, I was grateful for it because I know how difficult it is to be selling wares during this economy.
Here is a photo of my booth. It was under a large tent, and I had my own 10x10 space. I displayed lots of different kinds of jewelry-glass pendants, silver, beaded bracelets and necklaces, and my newest venture-copper. I love how copper can have so many looks, while being nice on my wallet.
I cannot wait until next year-hopefully I won't forget a mirror this time.. (smart me--selling jewelry and I forgot to bring a mirror--yupp, oh well I learned.)
I cannot believe that it was May the last time I have posted a blog. Oops! Well now that I have some more time on my hands I will try and blog a little more ;)
I just finished a very long necklace, its all different teals, pearls, and silver beads-with chain. My family has loved it so far. I just need to find the time to take some pictures of it so I can share it.
I really love the layered look of necklaces so I have been busy trying to come up with my own unique spin on them. I will definitely share as soon as I make something completely. I think August is going to be a good month for me. I have a metalsmithing class next week at the Bead House in Bristol RI (I highly recommend I have been looking forward to this class for a long time. Now that I think about it, I may have mentioned the Bead House before, for a class that I needed to post some pictures of...I really need to take some pictures. I guess I will just add it to my never ending to-do list.

What's on your to-do list??

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams

I just found that quote and I already love it!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring, but so close to summer!!

I cannot wait until it is summer, because that means I will have more time to make jewelry. As my senior year winds down (6 days!!) I can only look forward to all of the great jewelry I will be able to make. I need to however make a necklace or something for graduation...I mean jewelry is more important than homework right??

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I recently took a class with Mary Hettmansperger (, she is amazing! Her work is so unique and natural. It was a mixed metals bracelet class, with cold connections using eyelets. Her creativity in what she uses to make jewelry is unreal. I am so glad I took the class.
I have been designing many new pieces based on her teachings, as soon as they are done, I will post them.
I also have been trying to design my prom necklace; this is no easy feat because I have yet to get a dress yet, so right now it is just trying to get ideas to paper. I do have a little while to make it, hopefully I won't be up until 3 in the morning the day of prom...

Off to create :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

So like I posted before, I went to the MJSA Show in New York. It was amazing! I definitely want to go back again next year. There were so many different booths that made me want to expand my business even further. New York itself was fun too :)

This past Thursday I did a little local show. I was hoping that more people would show, but I was happy with what happened. I am definitely going to keep up the promoting of my work.
When I come up with some new designs I will post them :)

Thanks :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Off to the MJSA show!

So this may be a little early, but I am just so excited. On Sunday I will be going to the MJSA Show in New York. I am very excited to get to go. It is a great show from what I have heard, including all of the new and innovative tools and materials in the jewelry world.

Here is the website for the show:

I will update everyone on how it was when I come back on Monday night. Hopefully I wont spend too much money, but I am not making any promises. ;)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Here are some examples of my sterling silver work. The spiral bracelet was inspired by a shell that I had seen online. The bangles were just something that I wanted to do, and once I had access to a torch, and the knowledge of a technique (thanks to my friend at work who also makes jewelry) I was able to make them.
Both of the pictures feature the bracelets hammered, I like the texture of the hammering. Plus it's a great to relieve stress.
They can be made in all different sizes. I even made a spiral pendant, and I am trying to master making two of the same size for earrings. I will post pictures when I get them done!

:) Kate

What is new in 2009

I have been working to put my jewelry out so people can see it more. It is hard because so many people are making jewelry and trying to sell it, so I try and personalize it if I can. Here is a picture of a links set. I made each one of these links out of fine silver, and each of them are hammered to add texture. It is light and can be made into many different sizes.

I truly enjoy making jewelry and I hope that you enjoy looking at it.

:) Kate