Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It is crazy to think that I have been in college for more than 2 weeks. It has just flown by! I haven't made anything big lately, earrings here and there, but I have done a lot of designing for future projects. I want to take a trip down to the local hardware store to look to see if they have any copper washers...I have so many ideas for them its crazy. Granted that I can't do them in my own studio, because all of my really fun tools are at home.
The architecture around school has been really inspiring, which was one of the aspects of the school that attracted me so much to it. I am definitely going to be taking lots of pictures soon! I will upload them if they come out nice!

I can't remember if I mentioned this before or not, but a good friend of mine took some amazing pictures of my jewelry at the beach. I cannot wait to take more, that's how much I love them.
Here are some of my favorites, I will probably post them on Flickr too, but I just have to find the time to do it!

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