Saturday, January 1, 2011

Part 3 of Update: Random Awesomeness

The last two posts were more organized, this one will be a little more random, but awesome.
A friend of mine at school took some really great pictures of my jewelry, and here are some of my favorites:

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I still have to figure out how to make them into the normal picture format, so when I do I will post more....

I was very fortunate this Christmas, I got a gift that I had been wanting for awhile....a Durston rolling mill :) I was very happy and thankful when I got it on Christmas morning. I haven't been able to use it yet though, because I need to find a place to put it...but as soon as I do I will make lots of new pieces. :)

I am not a fan of winter, especially the snow part. I would much rather be walking on the beach, then walking through the snow. Snow days are fun, but not fun when they interfere with plans or cause power outages. Thankfully the recent snow storms haven't interfered with anything, and I'm hoping that any other storms that are coming continue to be like that.

My break is going by pretty fast, I will be back at school in less than 2 weeks. I did well last semester, and I am hoping that I am going to continue with it next semester. Two of my classes next semester are nursing classes and they require that I take a test called the ATI. ATIs are worth 25% of my grade in the class, so it is very important that I am ready for the test, but thankfully I have all semester to prepare myself for it. It is definitely a little nerve wracking though.

Back when I was in school, my friend and I ordered Chinese food for a study night, and both of my fortune cookies were great. They were:
"Don't be afraid to take a chance when the opportunity of a lifetime appears." and
"Pray for what you want, but work for the things you need."
Probably the best fortunes that I have ever gotten from a cookie.

I think that is all I wanted to talk about, but who knows there might be a part 4 :) you will just have to wait and see.

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