Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Technique

So about 2 weeks ago, I took a class with my mom at the Bead House. The class was Shrink Plastic, and we did just that, shrink plastic. There is some work involved, but it is so much fun to do. I cannot wait to be home so that I can really play with it more, because of course I can't really do it in my dorm (sigh.). Once I have some finished pieces I will definitely share them. :)

In other news, I recently applied to be in the Art on the Green show at the Pinehills again. It will (hopefully!) be my third time doing the show. I find out in the middle of March (wish me luck!). I will of course let you all know what happens :)
In non jewelry news, spring is almost near, which means a couple of things: warmer weather (and that much closer to summer) but also lacrosse season starts very soon. Lacrosse is one of my favorite sports-both to watch and to work for. I manage the men's team here at school, and their first game is next wednesday! :)

So basically school and lacrosse will be taking up a lot of my time, but it will be worth it because I will still make time to make jewelry!

Until next time :)

PS. sorry for the lack of cool pictures....

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