With a blog post! I know I have been very absent lately, but no more excuses (school, work, life in general), I will be blogging more. I was very fortunate to have a very good Christmas season for my jewelry sales (thank you!), and I want to make sure that I am working hard to keep that up.
Things that I need to update you on:
-the Last Best Craft Fair
-Open House
Both of those will have separate posts for each of them, or maybe one since that weekend was kind of a blur for me. Not fun getting sick for shows, and school the week before finals.
Oh and a fun fact that I am excited to share. I will be going to Belize for two weeks at the end of May for school. I am very excited to get the opportunity to help the people in Belize get help medically. For those who do not know, I am going to school to be a nurse, and going to Belize will fill my service learning credits for school. I am busy saving money to pay for the trip, so any jewelry that I sell will be going towards that. So basically, not only does someone get a piece of jewelry, it gives me the opportunity to give back to people that are not as fortunate.
Until next time (which will be soon! I mean it this time)..
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