Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Steal Like an Artist

One of the sections of Steal Like an Artist is Don't Throw Any of Yourself Away.

This is particularly important to me because I am involved in so much. Not only do I make jewelry, but I also  go to school to be a nurse and manage a lacrosse team. Is it a lot sometimes, yes, but could I truly give up one and be okay-no.

"Don't throw any of yourself away. Don't worry about a grand scheme or unified vision for your work. Don't worry about unity-what unifies your work is the fact that you made it. One day, you'll look back and it will all make sense."

Now I wrote the above while I was still in school, and now not being in school I realize how much I miss it. Granted my time since graduating from school has been busy, for other reasons, I haven't felt the inspiration to make new jewelry. I have been knitting a lot more, which has been really soothing, but I want to get back into making jewelry because I have a show coming up soon and would like to have more new pieces for it.
I can't keep hoping that inspiration comes to me, I need to go out and find it.

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