Thursday, July 25, 2013


As I mentioned in my previous post, my mom and I also went to Provincetown after the Brewster Flea Market.

Provincetown, or P-town, is definitely a fun place to go. My mom and I go at least once every summer. It is such an artistic environment, from the beautiful gardens in everyone's yards or the different paintings in the numerous galleries.

Besides looking at the galleries, there are two shops that we always go to no matter what. One is the shell shop, and the other is the taffy place connected to the shell shop. Talk about two for one shopping! I got some shells and taffy. The taffy is long gone, but I have a project in mind for the shells that I will share here when it is done.

Warning picture heavy!

Part pink part purple hydrangeas, gorgeous (and there were so many of them!)

One of the beautiful gardens that we saw while we were there. 

I can't remember the exact type of rose this was. Does anyone have any idea?

Pink zinnia. Love.

Love the layering and the spiral. Will definitely be using this for inspiration. 

If I were to ever have shrubs in front of my house, I want them to be a wave like this!

more of those roses. 

I love that the chairs are rusted, it gives them such character. 

A super delicious cupcake that I clearly couldn't wait to take a picture first before taking a bite. 

Run down dock. 

Yummy roasted vegetable and pesto panini with onion rings. 

It was a great day to spend with my mom! 

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