Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bead Show this weekend

AKA, I'm going to be stocking up on some supplies before my upcoming shows! I am very excited for this show because some of my favorite lampworkers will be there (see this bead show post). My mom will also be joining me, so it will be some great mother daughter bonding time!

I will definitely be posting about the new beads I get!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Winter/Holiday Season

As it is now officially fall, I have to be getting ready for my least favorite weather season (winter), but an exciting season for me this year because I have added a show that I am doing.

This year I will be selling my jewelry at the Artisan's Guild of Cape Cod show in November (right after Thanksgiving) with my mom! It will be the first time that we are doing a show together (not counting back in the day when we did open houses), so it is going to be a lot of fun. For me it is my first time doing a two day show, so I have been busy making lots of new inventory. I also have been trying to figure out how I want to display my jewelry because normally my mom and I share displays (as well as tables) because we've only done separate shows, so I have to get some more of my own.

Then the following weekend (Saturday only), I will be doing the Last Best Craft Fair in Sandwich MA. This will be my fourth year doing the show. I am looking forward to doing it again. It is always fun going back to my old elementary school.

I have been trying to build up lots of inventory because of the added show, plus I want to keep the stores I am in well stocked for the season as well. One difficulty that I am running into though is the limited amount of time that I have to work with my torch. Since I moved out and didn't bring my torch with me, I have to make trips home to be able to use it. Now I am definitely not complaining because I love coming home to see my family, I just don't get to as much as I want to because of my work schedule. But yet I also love my full time nursing job as well. So basically I need to clone myself, or I need to get my torch closer to me.

More details in terms of the shows and the jewelry that I will have there coming soon!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


I realized I never posted about my trip to Newport a couple of weeks ago..oops. 

It was weird going back to Newport (Salve really) for alumni weekend. As it was my first alumni weekend. But it was awesome. I spent lots of time outside (something I don't do much of now with my work schedule), and got to see some great friends.
I got a new picture of my name on the Athletics Awards plaque in Rogers :) 
The sunset looked absolutely gorgeous when I was out to dinner with friends. 
The BOSS was also on display, and I thought it was awesome. This top piece was one of my favorites. 
Salve's rose gardens never seem to disappoint. 
A smoothie full of hope. (Really mango, pineapple and strawberry, but it was called Hope Island) 

So I pretty much didn't want to leave but I had to get back to work on Monday, but I am looking forward to the next time I can go to Newport again.