Thursday, October 10, 2013


I realized I never posted about my trip to Newport a couple of weeks ago..oops. 

It was weird going back to Newport (Salve really) for alumni weekend. As it was my first alumni weekend. But it was awesome. I spent lots of time outside (something I don't do much of now with my work schedule), and got to see some great friends.
I got a new picture of my name on the Athletics Awards plaque in Rogers :) 
The sunset looked absolutely gorgeous when I was out to dinner with friends. 
The BOSS was also on display, and I thought it was awesome. This top piece was one of my favorites. 
Salve's rose gardens never seem to disappoint. 
A smoothie full of hope. (Really mango, pineapple and strawberry, but it was called Hope Island) 

So I pretty much didn't want to leave but I had to get back to work on Monday, but I am looking forward to the next time I can go to Newport again. 

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