Wednesday, September 25, 2013

23 Things About Me

I saw this on another blog, and thought it was a really cool idea. So here it is 23 Things About Me (that you may or may not know). The original blog was 25 Things, but since I just turned 23, I thought I would do that many instead!

  1. I love to shop. 
  2. My favorite sport is Lacrosse, specifically Men's (I mean I was a team manager for 6 1/2 years)
  3. Criminal Minds is absolutely my favorite show. I watch repeats often. 
  4. I have many knitting projects going at the same time. 
  5. I like my beads and yarns organized by color, but yet I hate to clean. 
  6. I prefer sour candy over chocolate. 
  7. I've donated my hair twice for cancer patients. (once for Locks of Love and once for Pantene Beautiful Lengths), and I hope to do it again once its long enough.
  8. I love giving presents, handmade ones if possible. 
  9. Summer is my favorite season. 
  10. I love to support local handmade artisans. 
  11. I love to drink tea, and lots of it. 
  12. I have and use a lot of post-it notes. 
  13. I am a fan of gory movies (SAW series anyone?)
  14. If I could be barefoot always I would love that. 
  15. I've been known to make just frosting to eat.
  16. I want to learn how to sew (again)
  17. I would pick going somewhere warm over somewhere cold in terms of traveling.
  18. Flea markets are so much fun to go to (see #1)
  19. I am a psychiatric nurse and I love what I am able to do. 
  20. I have a collection of handmade mugs (the larger the better, see #10 and #11)
  21. I would love to have my own store someday (with my mom of course). 
  22. I am not a morning person...unless you count staying up until its almost morning as a morning person.
  23. Lastly and most importantly, I am thankful for everyone and everything that I have in my life, they are what made me who I am today. 

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