Sunday, October 9, 2011

Updates..yes I realize it has been awhile..

I realize that I have been severely neglecting my blog lately. I have been busy making jewelry, and also just life (school work etc) in general. Since the last time I posted I started my junior year of college, and turned 21. (finally!)

As far as anything jewelry goes. In August I set up a table (a very full one at that) at a golf tournament to benefit the scholarship fund in the honor of a family friend who passed away last November. It was great to be able to participate and contribute to the scholarship. My mom also had her jewelry for sale right next to me. We both did well considering we weren’t there to make money, but more so to support a really great family and cause.

In future news, I was accepted to the Last Best Craft Fair for the second time. The show is Saturday December 3rd. Specific details to follow in another blog post.
The next day, December 4th, my mom and I will both be showing our jewelry at our friends house (who also will be showing her jewelry). Again, more specifics will follow.

Needless to say that will be a very busy weekend for me, so I have been busy preparing for both. And thankfully silver went down, so I was able to buy more silver to make more pieces.

I am going to post pictures of some new pieces, but since I have not taken them yet, pictures of roses will have to do :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Idea :) maybe it's not super new, people have been imprinting leaves into metal using a rolling mill for awhile, but the other night I was curious to see if dried hydrangea flowers would work the same. It did! My first try came out pretty well, and I am definitely going to try it some more. I am going to do lots of test runs in copper and brass, and then I am definitely going to try it on silver too. That is how much I like it so far.

Stay tuned!

Side note: I am loving the weather lately. Lots of sun!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Poppy set finally...well almost...

I finally made a matching pendant for the poppy set...however I still have more ideas involving the poppy. So I guess this is another to be continued post, but more ideas for them keep popping in my head :)

Until next time :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Art on the Green 2011

Here are just some of the pictures from Art on the Green at the Pinehills this past Saturday. As you can probably tell my three tables were very full, lots of earrings (they are just so fun to make). My mom was with me all day as my wrapper and #1 fan. (Thanks Mom, you are the best! ) The sun was shining (thankfully no rain!) and it was busy all day. Thank you to everyone who stopped by! :) I can't wait for next year!

If you want to see more pictures, please go to the KMS Jewels and Designs Facebook page. The link is on the side! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pictures as promised :)

Here are some pictures of the my new work. All of them will be available at Art on the Green on Saturday! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A special birthday post to the most inspiring person I know :)

Today was my mom's birthday :) She is definitely my biggest inspiration. I have posted pictures of her work before. She makes some really great polymer clay jewelry.

Here is the link to my post talking about her.\

And here is a link to her blog :)

I love you mom!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's almost time....Art on the Green 2011

In less than one week I will be selling my jewelry at the 7th annual Art on the Green, at the Pinehills in Plymouth MA.
I have been very busy trying to get as much stuff done for the show, and I have most of it done now, I am just working on some one of a kind pieces. I also have to decide what jewelry I am going to wear. :)

I will probably have another update soon! :)
Stay tuned!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Despite having many ideas that I want to make, I will never turn down a day of inspiration. My mom and I went to P-Town and Wellfleet for the day yesterday. It was a nice day out, so walking around was really nice.
Here are some of the pictures I took:

I love taking pictures of flowers.

Hopefully soon I will have pictures of the jewelry that will be made from my inspiration :)

Less than 2 weeks until Art on the Green!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

What a great end to Memorial Day

My brother was being nosy, and wanted to find some of my grandfathers paintings. He and my mom managed to find some. My mom, brother, and I each got some of them. Now you are probably wondering why this has anything to do with Memorial Day, my grandfather was a Sergeant in the Army. I never got the chance to meet him however, he died right before my brother was born. I hope that I am making him proud with my art (even though I cannot draw or paint like he could).

I would like to give my sincere thanks to everyone that has served in the military both past and present. Thank you for risking everything for our freedom!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I am addicted

I really am. I cannot stop buying beads (especially pearls). If you could see the amount I have, well depending on if you are addicted too or not, you would be shocked. Despite having so many beads, I bought more today. I bought some pearls, and some handmade glass beads. I have a couple of ideas planned for them, so you will just have to wait and see!

At least it's a fun addiction right?!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Show coming up!

Art on the Green at the Pinehills is in less than one month! I have been busy making lots of pieces for the show. I would love to show some pictures, but the weather has not really been cooperating for really good pictures. Hopefully it will change soon.

Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Almost summer!

It's bad when the last post I had was mentioning spring, now I am talking about summer...oops. I guess spring really does fly by. I am almost done with my sophomore year of college (halfway done!), scary, but exciting at the same time. Thankfully that I will be able to make jewelry a lot more than I have been able to in school. And hopefully the weather will improve, and with that I can take more pictures :)

Until then finals and other work will be controlling my life.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

silver prices.....really???

Ok, so today Rio Grande posted the current silver prices....$34! Are you kidding me? I wish I would have known it was just going to keep going higher I would have stocked up on some stuff when it was $30.

Pretty please silver go back down :) I know a lot of people would appreciate that!

Mixed metals anyone???

praying that the silver prices go down.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Technique

So about 2 weeks ago, I took a class with my mom at the Bead House. The class was Shrink Plastic, and we did just that, shrink plastic. There is some work involved, but it is so much fun to do. I cannot wait to be home so that I can really play with it more, because of course I can't really do it in my dorm (sigh.). Once I have some finished pieces I will definitely share them. :)

In other news, I recently applied to be in the Art on the Green show at the Pinehills again. It will (hopefully!) be my third time doing the show. I find out in the middle of March (wish me luck!). I will of course let you all know what happens :)
In non jewelry news, spring is almost near, which means a couple of things: warmer weather (and that much closer to summer) but also lacrosse season starts very soon. Lacrosse is one of my favorite sports-both to watch and to work for. I manage the men's team here at school, and their first game is next wednesday! :)

So basically school and lacrosse will be taking up a lot of my time, but it will be worth it because I will still make time to make jewelry!

Until next time :)

PS. sorry for the lack of cool pictures....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow...lots of snow...

I know I am not alone in saying this...I really want a snow day tomorrow. We are supposed to get hit pretty bad, and it was snowing a lot earlier (so fingers crossed!).

I have made a lot of earrings lately, making more ear wires for the earrings that I have already made. I will try and take some pictures of them to share :)

Other than that I have been busy with the start of second semester, homework, meetings and work has pretty much filled all of my time. It is all worth it though.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Part 3 of Update: Random Awesomeness

The last two posts were more organized, this one will be a little more random, but awesome.
A friend of mine at school took some really great pictures of my jewelry, and here are some of my favorites:

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I still have to figure out how to make them into the normal picture format, so when I do I will post more....

I was very fortunate this Christmas, I got a gift that I had been wanting for awhile....a Durston rolling mill :) I was very happy and thankful when I got it on Christmas morning. I haven't been able to use it yet though, because I need to find a place to put it...but as soon as I do I will make lots of new pieces. :)

I am not a fan of winter, especially the snow part. I would much rather be walking on the beach, then walking through the snow. Snow days are fun, but not fun when they interfere with plans or cause power outages. Thankfully the recent snow storms haven't interfered with anything, and I'm hoping that any other storms that are coming continue to be like that.

My break is going by pretty fast, I will be back at school in less than 2 weeks. I did well last semester, and I am hoping that I am going to continue with it next semester. Two of my classes next semester are nursing classes and they require that I take a test called the ATI. ATIs are worth 25% of my grade in the class, so it is very important that I am ready for the test, but thankfully I have all semester to prepare myself for it. It is definitely a little nerve wracking though.

Back when I was in school, my friend and I ordered Chinese food for a study night, and both of my fortune cookies were great. They were:
"Don't be afraid to take a chance when the opportunity of a lifetime appears." and
"Pray for what you want, but work for the things you need."
Probably the best fortunes that I have ever gotten from a cookie.

I think that is all I wanted to talk about, but who knows there might be a part 4 :) you will just have to wait and see.

Part 2 of Update: Last Best Craft Fair

The week after my mom's show, I had a show at my old elementary school. It was the first time that I had participated in the Last Best Craft Fair, and it was a good and successful experience to do it. I stayed up late the night before the show because I did not think that I had enough stuff, but it probably was not necessary because when I was setting it up with my mom, my tables were easily filled up.

My mom made me this to match my business cards. I love it :)

Lots of pearls, and lots of silver, a combination I really like.

My poppy set :) I still need to make a pendant and dangle earrings to match though.

See all of the those bracelets on the display....I had two full displays of them. Stretchy bracelets were what I did when I first started making jewelry, and if you couldn't tell, I really liked to make them...

Over 100 glass pendants, I really do love making them because I never know how they will exactly turn out, and no two are the same, even if I try really hard to make them to match.

Thank you to everyone that came to the show, I really appreciate it. I had a lot of fun at the show! :)

Part 1 of Update: Treasures & Trinkets

As I mentioned before my mom, Treasures & Trinkets, had a show after Thanksgiving in Orleans. I helped her out during the show, which I have been doing for a couple of years.
Here are some pictures from the show:

The rocks are drilled with a knitting needle...

These are just some of the many pins she has made, in every color you can imagine.

This was a successful show for my mom, and I was glad to be able to help out. Her jewelry is right next to mine at the Jewel Box :)